Africa-family | agripreneurs-africa-agriculture-women-entrepreneurs-VA_edited_edited |
Childrens-prayer_edited | D324-0332-006_465364-850x567 |
Praying-for-children | D200-0972-58-web |
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funny-smiling-happy-children-school-260nw-1274621908 | Namati_photo1_0_edited |
African-Women-Entrepreneurs | agripreneurs-africa-agriculture-women-entrepreneurs-VA |
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Child's Story
Taonga Chikube is a beautiful young girl aged 11, born on the 2nd of October 2010. She is from Wasala Community where she lives with her mother, a sick auntie and extended family. A total number of 7 living in a 2 roomed make shift house.
Taonga is an interesting young girl, she is very hopeful and positive. Unfortunately, she has never been to school. Excitingly, in our interaction with her she expressed an earnest desire to be enrolled in school and hopes that one day she will complete her education and become a nurse. Considering the daily needs in the home, she engages herself in selling of vegetables in her community to help out at home. She values the art of engaging her time profitably. Taonga has a stomach problem which is treated at home with natural remedies as the family cant afford to have her treated at the hospital.
In spite of the living conditions of her family she chooses to remain positive, hopeful and joyful, as she loves to sing and her favorite sport is netball. We pray and hope that one day our dearest Taonga Chikube will realize her God given vision of life through the help of our mission.